I tried my hand again at fish tacos today. And I am so glad I did! Wow... and I mean wow. They were absolutely perfect! The fish was spicy and tangy while the cole slaw was cool and slightly sweet. Loved them... just loved them. I'm trying to incorporate fish into our diet. Once a week is the goal, but I'll be happy if we eat fish once a month. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've bought/made fish since being married - and that's over 5 years! Don't get me wrong... I love seafood! I order it almost every time we go to a restaurant if it's available. The problem is... fish is expensive. And some people (don't want to name any names... *cough S.D.) don't like seafood as much as I do. That's why tilapia is so great! It doesn't have a real strong fishy taste, and it's not one of the more expensive fish. Sweet Boy even liked it. So here it is... as easy as can be...
Just saute your spices in a little oil and throw in the fish. (Does that picture look upside down to anyone else? I promise it's not.)
Ahhh... now that's a beautiful sight to see. Some of you may recall in an earlier post that I tried to make my own tortillas. Well... to that I say, "I love you pre-made, no effort, non-authentic flour tortillas!" It's funny how you can gain an appreciation for something so simple after much blood, sweat, and tears (oh yes, there was blood, sweat, and tears).
Slap on a little Veganaisse infused with chopped cilantro. I hope you have Veganaisse - it is one of those "can't live withouts".
Pile on the tilapia. Oh, it's looking good!
Next is the cole slaw. I love cole slaw, and it's perfect on this taco. Make sure you make it at least 1-2 hours before dinner so it can have time to set.
Now you have a delicious little taco. Yumm...
Oh yeah... this is kind of random, but I made rice with it too. Sweet Boy loves this rice, so I make it for him. My sister got these recipes off of allrecipes and gave them to me. I revised the tilapia a tad, but the rice is pretty much the same. The only difference there are the dried cranberries and some flaked coconut.
Fish TacosCole Slaw (Most of these measurements are estimates b/c I didn't really measure - I'll try to do that next time and update it)1/2 bag cole slaw mix1/3 c. Veganaisse2 T. peach soy yogurt (vanilla would also be fine, but all I had was peach)1 T. olive oil1 1/2 T. sugar1 T. balsamic vinegarpinch of salt1/4 t. celery seeds
Mix together all ingredients, cover, and refrigerate.Tilapia2 T. olive oil5 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 c. yellow onion, chopped
1/4 t. cumin
1/4 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
1-2 dashes of ground red pepper
3 T. cilantro, chopped
1 lb. tilapia, cut into cubes
1 lime, juiced
Saute onion and garlic in oil over medium heat until tender. Add the rest of the spices up to cilantro and cook for 3-5 minutes. Add tilapia and cook on med-high until fish is cooked through. Turn heat to med-low, add juice from 1 lime and cook for 1 minute.
Mix 1/4 c. veganaisse with 1 T. chopped cilantro. If desired, add a dash of ground red pepper.
1 can coconut milk (this is one of my new favorite ingredients)
1 1/4 c. water
1 t. sugar
pinch of salt
1 1/2 c. jasmine rice
dried cranberries
flaked, sweetened coconut
Mix together milk, water, sugar, and salt. Add rice and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes or until all the liquid is absorbed and rice is fluffy.
I think you should have snapped a shot of all the rice in the high chair, the rice stuck to sweet boy's clothes, rice on the ground, and the rice in the bathtub im sure. Wow that was a lot of rice. But the taco's are fantastic!