Once I found out about Sweet Boy's allergies, I wasn't sure how to do dessert. Cakes, cookies, ice creams, they were all out. Then someone said those magical words I will never forget - "He can have Oreos." TaDahhh....! That was a great day.
Since then I have discovered how to make cookies, cakes, and other things he can eat. But we still love Oreos. One day I was making Oreo Balls to take to a Super Bowl party, and I thought... how could I make these for Sweet Boy? He can have the Oreos, he can have the dipping chocolate, but not the cream cheese. Then there was a light bulb moment. His soy yogurt... perfecto! And it was perfect. Dare I say even better than the cream cheese ones. So, here's what to do...

First thing's first, set aside 7 Oreos. Then crush up the rest of the pack. Try not to eat too many along the way... I know it's tempting. You can use your food processor like I did, or a ziplock bag and some elbow grease. Then stir in 4-8 oz of soy yogurt (I used a strawberry flavor and it was delicious!). I know 4-8 is a big range, but I only made a few so I didn't actually measure out the yogurt. The original recipe calls for 8 oz of cream cheese, but the yogurt has more moisture in it. Therefore, you probably wont need as much. Start out with 4 oz; if you can form it into a ball then it's good. Otherwise, add more yogurt a little at a time until it will easily form into a ball. If it gets too sticky, crush up the 7 cookies you set aside at the beginning and add them to the mixture.

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