So, it was a typical night. Sweet Boy screaming at the top of his lungs through the whole dinner making process (I hope this is just a phase) while trying to decide whether he wants to be in the high chair eating bits and pieces of dinner as they become available, or on the floor scurrying around my feet in hopes that I'll quit making dinner and come play with him. Then there's me - at least one finger bleeding from a knife slip, flour and food bits down the front of my good sweater because I want S. Dear (hubby) to think I wear normal clothes at least once in a while, and wishing I had picked an easier/quicker meal. The only word for it is... "Frazzled." I don't know why I feel the need to make things more difficult than they should be. It all started with flour tortillas.
Yes, I know... it looks like a cross between a fat elephant and Africa. Well, that's what I see anyways. I didn't have any flour tortillas to make fish tacos, but I had to make fish tacos to use up the Tilapia in the fridge. I could have just baked the fish or cooked them in the skillet, but fish tacos sounded so good. Therefore, I had to make my own tortillas from scratch. The irony of it is, I went to the grocery store later that day. Could have picked up tortillas, but I had already decided to make them from scratch. So it was going to happen! And... there it is...
My sad little taco that was way too much effort for so little enjoyment.
Don't get me wrong, making the tortillas was easy enough and definitely tasted better than store bought. However, they were just too time consuming for a screaming baby. Oh well... guess we will go back to making quick fix meals. Haha... I say that every night.
I was going to post the recipe for fish tacos, but they need some doctoring up a bit. I just wasn't a big fan (sorry sis). But, here is where I got the recipe for tortillas in case anyone is brave enough to try them. Really, they are quite easy.
And here was my favorite thing about dinner...!

Mmmm......... guacamole......... Mmmm.......... I love it. I didn't used to like guacamole, but I LOVE this one. Try it, you'll like it. The only thing I change about this recipe is that I use half the amount of salt called for. Definitely one of my favs on
I think the tortilla looks more like one of those bubbles that come from a person's mouth in a comic to show that they are speaking.